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Roman Legion Against Macedonian Phalanx
How Did The Romans Beat The Greeks?- Legions Vs Phalanx, Gladius Vs Sarissa
Phalanx vs Legion : Battle of Cynoscephalae
Roman legion vs Macedonian phalanx
Macedonian Phalanx vs Roman Legion | Battle of Pydna 168 BC | Cinematic Battle
ROMAN LEGION VS GREEK PHALANX WHO WINS? Rome Total War Remastered: Scipii Roman Campaign #4
The Roman Legion VS the Greek Phalanx.
Battle of Asculum (279 BC) Rome Vs Greece /Legions Vs Phalanx | Total War: Rome 2 epic cinematic
Legionaries vs. Phalanx | The Ultimate Battle of Cynoscephalae | 197 BC
PONTVS: Roman testudo as an assault ramp| Legio XXI Rapax
How to stop the Phalanx
Roman Legion vs. Macedonian Phalanx: Who will win?